EuroCité’s Blog


L’UE face à la crise sanitaire :  quelle coordination pour une réponse d’urgence ?

Photo: ECDC staff at work ( Militants de gauche, Thomas Fagart et Alexis Lefranc s'interrogent sur la réponse européenne à la crise sanitaire. Thomas Fagart (TF) : Nous entrons dans notre deuxième mois de confinement, et les différentes réactions gouvernementales et européenne face au coronavirus ont déjà fait l’objet de...


    Митинг 20 июня 2019 в Москве - Wikimedia Commons During the summer 2019 in Russia, thousands of demonstrators gathered on the streets of Moscow for protests on a scale rarely seen in this authoritarian country. This wave of protest was reflected in the results...

Brexit’s Lost Children

EuroCité is a civic engagement think tank, promoting awareness of European issues. We support peaceful and effective cooperation between European nations. The political situation in the UK is a source of great concern in this regard. Indeed, the EU referendum campaign in 2016 was fraught with partial presentation of data.[1]Occurrences...

Meet a MEP!

Your weekly profile on an influential EU Parliamentarian Christine REVAULT D'ALLONNES-BONNEFOY Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Ile-de-France & “France Abroad,” France @cdallonnes Who is Christine Revault d'Allonnes-Bonnefoy?          Elected in 2014, Revault d'Allonnes-Bonnefoy is the Delegation President for the French Socialist Party in the European Parliament as well as...

The “Extinction Rebellion” Movement

What's Going On?! London has recently seen some pretty interesting nonviolent protests in Parliament Square, the Natural History Museum, Oxford Circus, and Waterloo Bridge with an equally as eye-catching name: The Extinction Rebellion. XR, as they are colloquially known. XR stems from the idea that the preservation of all species...

Meet a MEP!

Your weekly profile on an influential EU Parliamentarian Seb Dance Deputy Leader, European Parliamentary Labour Party Coordinator, Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats London, United Kingdom@SebDance         Elected in 2014, MEP Dance is one of eight elected representatives for London at the EU Parliament, who, despite his is relatively short...

A Campaign Trail Update

Where British Political Parties Stand on the Ever-Present “Brexit” Dilemma          To start, the idea of European Parliamentary elections in the UK was not even considered as legitimate until the last month-or-so, and not a concrete event until just about a week ago! As crazy as the recent developments may...

Meet a MEP!

Your weekly profile on an influential EU Parliamentarian Philippe Lamberts Co-Chair, Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance Belgium@ph_lamberts         Elected 10 years ago, Parliamentarian Lamberts represents Belgium at the EU level, as well as serving as the co-chair of the Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance....
Dejan Glavas photo

The European Central Bank during the Financial Crisis. Propositions for a more Ecological Central Bank.

Dejan Glavas Dejan Glavas is a second year Ph.D candidate in the Finance Departement at ESCP Europe under the supervision of Professor Franck Bancel. He is affiliated with the Laboratory of Excellence for Financial Regulation (Labex Refi). Dejan Glavas introduces the European Central Bank's history, and its various conventional and...
Article Grèce

3 questions for Elisabeth Humbert-Dorfmüller – author of the article « Democracy and party politics during economic collapse : The case of Greece »

As Greece is just exiting the last bail-out package after a long and serious crisis, Elisabeth Humbert-Dorfmüller – co-author with Lefteris Antonopoulos of the article « Democracy and party politics during economic collapse : The case of Greece » answers to EuroCité's questions. In 3 points, she brings light on the Greek political...