What is EuroCité ?

What is EuroCité ?

EuroCité is a social-democratic European think tank, working with a multidisciplinary team of researchers, activists, civil servants and private sector experts. It is dedicated to fostering European policy analysis and debate. EuroCité wish to emphasise their strong commitment to social democratic ethics, both in action and through the writings they publish.


What does EuroCité do?

What makes EuroCité different  is its commitment to the development of a progressive vision and programme for Europe. We publish studies on key European affairs, with analytical excellence and programatic vision.

But EuroCité is not all research: the team also wish to follow and comment daily political, intellectual and cultural European news. We publish tribunes in main European medias, as well as interviews with politics and experts on European policies. Active through social media, film screenings and networking events, we are dedicated to supplying information and a space for collective debate that we think is essential to understanding how Europe works today.

What can EuroCité bring to Europe ?

Europe is facing profound doubt : skepticism, unemployment, crisis or terrorism are causes for concern among European citizens. Many feel national sovereignty and identity are being undermined by the European project.

While we believe Europe provides the appropriate governance level for geo-strategic and political reasons, we acknowledge that it also brings new challenges. Europe has become a distant construct in the mind of many Europeans, who feel disconnected from this remote level of governance they neither understand nor feel they have any say in.

In this volatile and complex context, EuroCité wish to to contribute to the making of an ideological and programatic base of the European left, by working towards the creation of a democratic European political level where citizen involvement is possible thanks to visible and legible parting lines. We publish articles and documents on a variety of topics, organise numerous events focused on European questions, such as conference cycles or debates, but also working groups, mostly through collaborations with other political or civil society organisations, and through citizen experimentations, using art and culture as a medium to foment the sense of collective identity that unites our continent.