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Labour and the post-Brexit landscape: where now?

On June 24th the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, plunging the UK into political and constitutional, as well as economic, chaos. In normal times, one may have expected the Labour Party, as the main opposition to the government, to be able to capitalise on the forced resignation...
15 October 2014, Plenary opening session: Rethinking EU communications
EuroPCom 2014  #europcom 
Belgium - Brussels - October 2014 
© European Union / Wim Daneels

Paper : Sandro Gozi, Towards a united European Left

A better integration of the European Left will result in more progressive politics In response to the challenges faced by European social-democracy, Fondation Jean-Jaurès and EuroCité present a paper by Italian Secretary of State for European Affairs Sandro Gozi. Mr Gozi develops ideas for transformation and innovation within progressive parties...

« The Left, the Right, the Angry » : commentary on the Irish February 2016 elections

EuroCité contributor Terry Connolly analyzes in this article the last Irish elections of 2016, which have seen the defeat of the Left and Labour. As he explains, the Irish elections are both an important part of European politics, but also a foretaste of what awaits other European states during next...

The Eurozone: Looking For The Sovereign

The Eurozone – because it remains an incomplete construct – has reached a critical point where its very existence is at stake. The Greek crisis and its never-ending drama, with the July 5 referendum, the “Grexit” strategy of some member states, the July 13 in extremis agreement and the vote...
Européaniser nos partis nationaux

Europeanising our National Parties!

Almost one year ago, EuroCité and the Jean-Jaurès Foundation co-organised a post-European election meeting, through their “European City” initiative, that brought together leftist European thinkers and activists in Paris. This initial gathering was followed by a public meeting on the question of how to europeanise national parties. From this, a...
Rroms 2

Reflecting on and taking responsibility for the “Rroma question”

The “Rroma question” is a salient indicator of the crisis facing our political project and our public policies. A majority of institutions and European Member States are failing to treat the problem in a calm and efficient manner and are thus weakening their democratic foundations, built as they are on...
Grèce protestation (slider)

Europe on the Edge of the Democratic Cliff

Since the beginning of 2015, two opposed events (by virtue of their underlying rationales and their protagonists) have dominated the news in Europe: the ECB’s plan to buy massive amounts of sovereign debt and the electoral victory of Syriza in Greece. On the one hand, an independent European institution emancipated...
Eulex Kosovo (Une)

Kosovo and Europe: The Challenges Faced by EULEX

Context Kosovo was part of the Ottoman Empire for almost five centuries until Albania, which at that point Kosovo formed part of, declared independence on the 28th of November 1912 (1). At a conference in the wake of WWI (2), where ambassadors met to discuss the reconfiguration of the Balkans,...

Serbian Social Democracy in Transition: A View from the Periphery

The Serbian elections in March of 2014 were the tenth legislative elections and the seventh election since the introduction of a multiparty system in 1990. The results reveal the dynamics of both the electoral landscape and of the political parties in Serbia. A very active campaign and a turnout of...

In an Unstable Equilibrium: The European Partisan System at the Dawn of a New Term

This article follows on the heels of a series of texts published since 2010 that study the evolution of the European social democratic Left over the course of the legislative elections held in the European Union (EU). These elections continually reconfigure the balance of power in the Council, which is...