Impressum is the official website of EuroCité, the european progressive think tank.
Director of publication Nicolas Leron
Hosting OVH 2 rue Kellerman. BP 80157 59100 Roubaix
Conception / Realization This website was realized by agence Parteja on CMS WordPress.
Photography credits The pictures are property of Gilbert Lam.
Intellectual property Unless mentioned otherwise, texts are published under copyright licence. Legal mentions of pictures, videos and sounds published on those pages are to be checked one by one.
Privacy During its navigation on this website, the user can be encouraged, if he wishes so, to fill in personal forms, as defined by French article 2 of the 6 of january 1978 law, modified by the 6 of august 2004. The informations thus collected are used informatically in order to help the diffusion of publications or other activities from EuroCité. The responsible of this treatment promises to take all necessary measures in order to preserve the integrity of data and prevent any malevolent use of those. Accordingly to the dispositions of the 6 of january 1978 law, modified by the 6 of august 2004 law, you have a right to oppose (article 38), to access (article 39), and rectification (article 40) regarding personal information. If you wish to receive notice of this information and solicit correction or erasing measures, please send us an email. A partner service, the statistics tool GoogleAnalytics can also leave cookies if you accept them (check the settings of your navigator). The user is informed that and providers can leave cookies in its computer. Those tools have no nominative component and are only used for statistic purposes.
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