EuroMed Observatory – ES


With the creation of a Torino antenna, EuroCité also sets up a EuroMed Observatory dedicated to evaluation and research on European policies and their energy and transportation components.

Members of EuroMed Observatory :

  • Maurizio Chiocchetti, official at the PD headquarters in Rome, coordinator of the working group dedicated to European structural fonds
  • Massimiliano Picciani,  secretary of the PD section in Paris and member of EuroCité’s CA. Engineer (project manager) specialized in energy problematics
  • Barbara Revelli, Vice-president of EuroCité (director of the Torino antenna). Works in an engineering company, specialized in knowledge management and strategic watch of public markets
  • Adriano Turso, technical director and director of works in an engineering company specialized in civil engineering (roads, highways, railways…)
  • Emilia Vitale, searcher at Napoli CNRS, member of the regional PD assembly (Napoli), deputy to the Major of Boscoreale (specialized in European structural fonds)

The EuroMed Observatory aims at writing articles and organizing seminaries and working groups on the following topics :

  • The role played by European transportation network politics in the internal market integration process
  • The role played by European geopolitics regarding energy in the internal market integration process

Read the articles of EuroMed Observatory

(Picture : rosariofiore via Flickr, licence CreativeCommons)

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